Saturday, January 31, 2009

A Simple Solution to get you on your way...

Simple Solutions
Many times our “Simple Solutions” is the best for a complex problem. Generally, a complex problem can be dissolved into a series of understandable steps and processes.
Contact us with your question regarding site selection, business geography, planning or community development.
We may have a simple solution to get you on your way.

What We Do....

Advance Planning Associates, LC has expertise that encompasses the design and creation of location strategies for business; industry, government and the growing segment of not-for-profits in the global market and economy of today. Our core area services include:

  • Site Selection
  • Business Geography
  • Planning
  • Community Development

Site Selection is a designed process that results in the site choice best suited to the environment of the business or industry and that leads to the successful perpetuation of qualities to that particular organization. Site selection is the spatial location of an actual or planned structure or set of structures using criteria defined by the client coupled with carefully measured due diligence.

Business Geography synthesizes analysis, technology and practical experience to improve real estate development and investment activities. Business Geography utilizes the power of GIS (Geographic Information Systems) technologies, analysis, and data. Region, movement, human-environmental interactions, place and location are the geographic themes considered essential to the well being of an organizations future.

Planning is an analytical process that considers the physical, social and economic aspects of communities while examining the connections between them. The planning process includes the consideration of existing conditions and the future trends of an area or region. The planning process includes detailed analysis and strategic alternatives for solving problems in a coordinated and comprehensive manner. The tools of planning implementation include such things as land use controls and economic develop strategies. Planning is the application of foresight to action.

Community Development is the process of helping a community and region strengthen itself and develop towards its full potential. We work in partnership with local people and organizations to meet identified needs. We help find funds with grant and loan applications, self-help and long term commitment to sustaining business support. We believe that self-activization, leadership, education and sustainalble community and economic goals are key components of sustainable development.

Advance Planning Associates, LC applies years of experience with the defined process of our core services to provide you with choices that perpetuate your business goals. Our InSite Selection System, which can be applied to each core area, helps provide the foresight you need to bring plans into action.

We want to be your Site Selection partner of choice.

It's About Balance...

Advance Planning Associates, LC provides site selection, business geography, planning and community development services to individuals, organizations, business, industry, government and communities. Working with for-profit and not-profit groups, we serve both public and private organizations.

Our calm and calculated style has helped us establish firm, long-term relationships with clients that need a guiding hand. We enjoy working with non-profits, foundations, trusts and small communities where relationships count. We know the process of development and the decisions that drive success. We bring value, helping to guide decisions by providing objective choices driven by criteria designed to meet the needs of our client.

We are proud of our work. We want our clients to succeed. It is a competitive world, so strict confidentiality is maintained as we work through the strategic planning process of planning or site selection and the necessary steps of due diligence. Our projects vary depending upon our client, from planning a strategy to site selection to due diligence and to the conceptual planning stage.

Our process is custom designed individually for our client using our InSite Selection System. We have perfected the art and science of due diligence to assure the facts are real not just market hype. Our Reverse Due Diligence establishes fundamental criteria that will satisfy the demands of an accomplished acquisition team. And, our Quick Entitlement Program helps sort sites quickly. Time is always a critical factor - that is why we are project management and task oriented.

We understand the process of community planning and development. Our Story-Board Issue Identification Process helps quickly identify obtainable goals. We use business geography to help clients succeed with understanding of the relationships and environments, regions, location, movement of goods and characteristics of place.
We are objective site selectors that are community oriented.

Striving everyday to be our best we want to be your firm of choice.