Sunday, March 22, 2009

Site Selection Secrets...

You have decided to add another franchise store, another warehouse, a new site for your business, a new municipal park or firehouse or perhaps you have decided the market is finally right to begin looking for a new residential project.

The secrets of successful site selection:
  1. Know exactly what you want.
  2. Know where you want to go.
  3. Consider all alternatives.
  4. Be objective and flexible.
  5. Get started.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

It really is still all about balance...

Advance Planning Associates, LC provides custom site selection, business geography, planning and community development services to individuals, organizations, business, industry, government and communities. Working with for-profit and not-profit groups, we serve both public and private organizations.

We maintain a calm and calculated style that has helped us establish firm, long-term relationships with clients that need a guiding hand. We enjoy working with non-profits, foundations, trusts and smaller communities where relationships count. We know the process of development and the decisions that drive success. We bring value, helping to guide decisions by providing objective choices driven by criteria designed to meet the needs of our client.

We are proud of our work. We want our clients to succeed. It is a competitive world, so strict confidentiality is maintained as we work through the strategic planning process of planning or site selection and the necessary steps of due diligence. We help with implementation when needed. Our projects vary depending upon our client, from planning a strategy to site selection to due diligence and to the conceptual planning stage.

Our process is custom designed individually for each client using our InSite Selection System. We have perfected the art and science of due diligence to assure the facts are real not just market hype. Our Reverse Due Diligence establishes fundamental criteria that will satisfy the demands of an accomplished acquisition team. And, our Quick Entitlement Program helps sort sites quickly. Time is always a critical factor - that is why we are project management and task oriented.

We understand the process of community planning and development. Our Story-Board Issue Identification Process helps quickly identify obtainable goals. We use business geography to help clients succeed with understanding of the relationships and environments, regions, location, movement of goods and characteristics of place. We are objective site selectors that are community oriented.

Site Selection, Business Geography, Planning and Community Development are our core services because when combined give our clients the right balance of experience and value added benefit.

Striving everyday to be our best we want to be your firm of choice.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

SITE SELECTION - Safe harbors like good sites are not found by chance or market hype. It takes clear direction with planned intent.

Site Selection
Business Geography
Community Development
Due diligence is a critical component of each of our core business service areas.

Saving Time & Money

We are as interested in what we discover as what we produce.
What we have learned since starting on our voyage is how to use what we have learned from each project to the benefit of all our clients. Operating part-time since 1981 then later as we gained speed in a full-time capacity we have learned the importance of sharing our real project discoveries and experiences.
Our clients seem to like that we have taken note of our discoveries. We are always careful with our clients confidentiality, but by sharing our years of experience we like to believe it saves time and money. Saving time saves money. We discovered that when we started in 1981.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Award dinners...

A former professor we visited a few weeks ago said that he didn't see us at the regional award ceremonies. "Where were you?" He asked.

"You know, John." I responded, "We just don't need all that stuff."

"What do you mean?" John asked.

"We are doing what we like to do, we have enough business and we are having fun. Let the guys that need some assurance from others go to the award ceremonies while we have fun and work (if you can call it that) at the same time. Our work is our reward."

"Well, is just seems all the sales and marketing folks were at the award dinner." John said.


Will Rogers seemed to said it best: "One-third of the people in the United States promote, while the other two-thirds provide." That was about 75 years ago - we are sure his numbers could now be reversed.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Shipping to the I-81 Corridor...

From the container ship

To the railroad

To the trucks on I-81

Norfolk plans intermodal facility
Hagerstown Morning Herald - Hagerstown,MD,USA
CHAMBERSBURG, PA. — Norfolk Southern is poised to build southcentral Pennsylvania’s second major intermodal freight transport facility, ...

Friday, March 6, 2009

Self-reliance, community development, economic gardening...

We understand the need to grow local business. It is what towns are all about.

We excel in development strategies that are designed to implement business and community goals. Grant and loan applications have always been part of our business. Many times we have had to help our clients find the money through grants and loan programs to start the planning and development process. On the private side we have applied that same knowledge to find funds and grow local business. It's all about knowing how to get started - the most difficult part of any journey.

We started in the planning and community development business and have maintained these services since they are such an important part of today’s development environment. We have matured and expanded to encompass site selection and economic development areas as our economy expanded. Now, more than ever, as we feel the impact of business retrenchment, our community development background embraces the local importance of business and communities working together.
Some call it "economic gardening" while others call it community development - we like to think of it as self-reliance

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Website update...

Slow Progress

Thank you for visiting our blog.
We enjoy this format better than a static website.
We are now in the process of updating our website.
Our new site should be squared away soon.
In the mean time, we will just have to row.

Sunday, March 1, 2009

Old School...

Our old friend and long-time client, Duane, called the other day from his office in Maryland. Duane asked if we could help him locate sites for his gas and convenience store client. He explained his client needed sites in Virginia along the major transportation corridors and at "key" intersections in important cities and towns. He asked if we could help. Of course, we responded, "Yes!" In an economy like this we were happy to get the opportunity.

Duane said, "When can we start traveling down the road to look at the sites you know?"

"Duane, you are old school." I laughed. "Before we get started we've got to talk so we can scope your client's site criteria, then we will provide you a map of the sites that meet the criteria."

If you are looking for multiple sites or just one, this same process holds true. Knowing what you need then carefully defining what you want will save time and money.

We'll provide maps, aerial images, ownership and critical property information to guide your decision-making. Then after the sites are narrowed down to the top few well start the due diligence.

"Instead of a road trip.” Duane said, “We hit the links?”

“Duane, you may be old school but you learn fast.”